Wednesday, November 28, 2012

0 Assassin’s Creed III Keygen – Steam, Single and Multiplayer

Assassin’s Creed III Keygen – Steam, Single and Multiplayer Description of Assassin’s Creed III: Assassin’s Creed III is a historical action-adventure open world stealth video game. In this game, you take on the role of an assassin hunting remnants of the ancient Templar order. You are Connor, warrior son of a Native American mother and British father. You will fight for the independence of the United States. You decide the fate of this war! Fight and win! Key Game Feature: -Intense Multiplayer -Conquer the Seas -A New Master Assassin -Stunning New Design -Ignite the Fires...

0 Far Cry 3 Keygen, Steam, Single and Multiplayer

Far Cry 3 Keygen, Steam, Single and Multiplayer Description of Far Cry 3: Far Cry 3 is an open world first-person shooter video game. It is the sequel to 2008′s Far Cry 2. The game was originally set for release on September 6 in Europe and September 4, 2012 in North America however it was delayed to November 29, 2012 for Europe, November 30 for the UK and December 4 for North America. Jason, our protagonist, should fear the pirates running the tropical retreat of Rook Island. In his eyes, killing is not cool. The main goal of the game is to save your kidnapped friends and escape...

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